NOVI TE Academy of Occult Sciences

In times of darkness, such as ours, the center or supreme pole has always made its effects felt, even faintly, through the so-called insertions of the Golden Age, the descendants of the Pole, the "Avataras". These envoys, rather than in the form of individual persons filled with glory, came in the form of light, in the form of inspiration that eventually settled in the hearts of the sorcerer's apprentices and seekers of truth as great schools of thought, the Academies.

An Academy initiative will soon begin to disseminate, preserve, and transmit the sapiential legacy, as a modest link in the golden chain, as a foundation of psychohistory would prepare for a variable period of nescence and decay.

The waiting list has already been created and the places, since this is something unprecedented and exclusive, are unfortunately limited. To register, please send an e-mail to: